Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oh Egypt...

I would like to recount a few of the conversations that Carrie and I have had with various Egyptians in the past 24 hours:

Numba 1 - this happened in a shoe store at the biggest mall in Africa, talking to one of the employees:

Him: Hello, are you looking for anything particular today?
Me: No.... just browsing.
Him: Where are you from? Germany?
Me: No..... Colorado. America.
Him: Ohh USA very nice very nice.... You tourists or you live here?
Me: We live here.
Him: Oh, how long you stay in Egypt?
Me: We have been here since January, and are leaving in July.
Him: You have lots of friends in Egypt?
Me: Yes........ ?
Him: Egyptian friends?
Me: Yes...... ???
Him: Can I be your friend too?
Me: Um..... maybe later?
Him: Here, I take your phone number... I take you to see Egypt, ya know, the pyramids!
Me: We've already been there..... :-/
(at this point, I fake a phone call to a friend "waiting at a restaurant for us")
Him: Phone number?
Me: We have to go..... we'll stop by later........... maybe.......................... K bye.

Numba 2 - We were leaving our apartment to go to a nearby cafe. When we got to the sidewalk, these two guys starting saying things like "wow, you are so cute, so beautiful, so sweet" etc. but we just ignored them, as usual, and kept walking (at a quick pace). When we got to the Cafe though, we obviously had to stop walking, because we were looking at a table. The freaking guys had followed us there... 5 blocks....... and now were standing right in front of us going "why won't you talk to us, please just talk to us?" So finally we looked at them like "are you serious?" And here is how the conversation went:
Them: Hi we are (insert names that we promptly forgot here). What are your names?
Us: Kerry. Carrie.
Them: You guys looked so serious...
Carrie: We're on a mission.
Kerry: A mission to find tea and shisha.
Them: You guys are really pretty, can we have your phone numbers?
Us: Um. No.
Them: Why nottt??? we just want to be friends?
Us: We have lots of friends already.
Them: Do you live here?
Us: Yes. We're sisters.
Them: But what about when your mother is trying to call one of you, and you have the same name?!?!
Us: We have different moms. same dad.
Them: oh..... (very confused). Can we have your numbers please?
Kerry: OK..... 1-800 ........ hahahahaha
Carrie: I don't .... have a phone .... ? hahahaha
Them: Are you guys stoned or something? You are laughing a lot.
Us: What the hell? No!! Maybe we are just happy people...... We are having fun.
Them: We can have fun toooo! we just want to hang out! Be friends!! So can we have your phone numbers?
Carrie: Are you f***ing kidding me? You just followed us for five blocks, asked if we are high, and you really think we are going to give you our phone numbers?!?!
Kerry: Seriously.... Gotta work on your strategy guys.....
Them: Uh.... Here, call this number!! 010...... (starts telling me his phone number, trying to get me to call it so they would have our phone number)
Us: You really think we are THAT stupid?! Wow.....
Them: OK, well..... I guess we will see you guys again because we all live here. And we can be friends!
Kerry: Whatever....... bye.
Carrie: Great, so if we see you again, I'll smile politely and say hi.

Numba 3 - this is between us and our friend Wafa'i while sitting at a cafe on the Nile around 1:30am:

Carrie: I love the brain!! (we were nerding out about psychology and biology)
Wafa'i: Have you guys ever eaten brain??
Kerry: Um no........ but that sounds awesome!!!
Carrie: Grosssss..............
Wafa'i: How about liver??
Kerry: I'd try it...
Carrie: Grosssss........
Wafa'i: Want to go eat liver and brains?? right now??
Carrie: Count me out. I'll watch.
Wafa'i: Yalla bina! (let's go)

So..... we went first to a liver restaurant, AKA we pulled up to the curb next to one of the few restaurants still open, and Wafa'i brought back some liver sandwiches. They were soooooo yummmyyyy!!!! But Carrie still refused to try. Her loss. Bahaha.

Then, we went to a brains restaurant. Cow brains to be precise. I was shwaya worried about mad cow disease..... Carrie asked "are they gelatinous?" which did not make me want to eat them more. Wafa'i wouldn't let me look inside the pita full of brains before I ate them, because he said if I saw what was inside that I wouldn't eat it. The brains were ... moist. and squishy. Definitely violated the texture law. But they didn't taste too bad. I couldn't really do more than one bite though. Now I can say I've eaten brains. Whooooo!! Check that off my lifetime to do list!! :D

All in all.... In addition to the AWESOME dance party that took place in Carrie and I's living room earlier, I would say it has been a very productive day in Cairo. <3

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